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Vicky (Neyreymbu):


Victoria Corisepa is Alberto´s wife and both are the founders and owners of Parign Hak. She keeps an eagle´s eye on the smooth unfolding of everybody´s work and duties during the retreat.  She also makes most of the beautiful crafts from rainforest seeds that are for sale in the center´s handicrafts corner. Many years ago, with the help of Ayahuasca, and to the surprise of medical doctors, she has not only overcome a life-threatening illness, but also learned to appreciate her Wachiperi heritage (she named the ceremonial space “Mini-hospital Majeno”, after her father who was a tobacco healer) and to use many of the medicinal plants available in the area.  In ceremony she takes turns with her husband to help hold a safe space and assist participants whenever necessary. Victoria can also offer additional treatment such as teas, plant baths, sopladas, and traditional tobacco treatments with seri (a Wachiperi snuff).

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Alberto Kiramo is Victoria´s second husband and founder and owner of Parign Hak. He has built all of the existing infrastructure, with the help of Victoria´s sons and his cousins. As an expert Harakbut farmer and fisherman, he takes great pride in providing all the organic bananas and tasty river fish that you will find on your plate.
He has ample personal experience with Ayahuasca which has helped him heal from past trauma and become a more reliable partner to his wife. His job is to energetically protect the ceremonial space, for which he uses tobacco smoked in his hand-carved wooden pipe. This, his calm presence, his quiet manners and his overall solidity are very reassuring and have resulted in him being nicknamed “Rock Man”.

Alberto (Suwit):

Indigenous Ayahuasca Shaman Apprentice Harakbut

Steve Flores Corisepa is Victoria´s second son. As needed, he may work in the kitchen or do housekeeping duties, and he steps in whenever a helping hand is needed. With the help of Ayahuasca he has overcome many years of heavy physical and psychological abuse inflicted by Victoria´s first husband and his family of Andean origens. He is very knowledgable about medicinal plants and has been undergoing an apprenticeship under Jessica´s supervision that includes doing "dietas" with different plant teachers and stepping into his Grandfather´s footsteps. Over the years he has developed into a traditional healer in his own right. Steve also offers plant-based steam baths throughout the retreat upon request. 


Jessica (Widwid):


Jessica Bertram has been working and living in the Manu region and with Harakbut community people since 1997. She has been the retreat organizer, cultural facilitator, tour guide, interpreter and ceremony leader at Parign Hak ever since its foundation. She is certified as a "médico tradicional" (traditional medical practitioner) by the Escuela Superior de Medicina Tradicional Shipibo (School of Traditional Shipibo Medicine) in Pucallpa, Perú, and is on its advisory board. ​

See her full bio here:





The facilities at Parign Hak are simple. The main complex contains three double occupancy cabins, two cold water showers, a dining room/kitchen, and a meeting hall that holds a growing library and community craft store. Our maloca, or ceremonial space, is located about 10 minutes by foot from the main complex, surrounded by a beautiful garden full of medicinal and edible plants.  

We offer a blend of local organic produce (bananas, plantains, manioc, papaya and much more) and river fish, combined with fresh vegetables that we bring in from Cusco, as many of these don't grow on site. Depending on the fisherman's success, we may occasionally offer organic free-range eggs and chicken on the menu. Vegetarian and vegan options can be made available upon request. Boiled water for drinking is available throughout your stay.

Please note that there is no electricity or wifi at Parign Hak.

In the event of any medical emergency, we can get internet access and primary medical assistance in Shintuya, the nearby native community, located at about 40 minutes up the river.




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Learn more about

the Harakbut people



Oakog - The Harakbut stone face. A recently re-discovered sacred site in the heart of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve.



A fan made from macaw feathers that was worn by Harakbut men over one shoulder in the past for dancing. 


Henpu (Wachiperi)

Traditionally made carrying bags from Cetico (Cecropia sp.) tree bark fiber. Today many Harakbut women find threads from used sacks easier to obtain, more colorful and lasting.  


or Oenpu 


In the communities they are used to this day to carry firewood and plantation produce like manioc (cassava) 


Stone Axe

A Harakbut stone axe head found near Shintuya. Dominican missionaries introduced metal tools to the Harakbut people in the 1950´s.  


Manioc or




Manioc or Yuca is a 

staple crop in the


Harakbut communities.

Sections of the plant are


placed into the ground and


grow starchy roots in three,


six or twelve months


depending on the variety. 




Woven palm leaf mats, the preferred Harakbut mattress, used on dirt floors.



Palm Leaf 



The final product, ready to


line a roof. 



Oftentimes, meat or fish is


not readily available, so the


protein supply is


complemented with edible


palm beetle grubs, snails


and other small bites (no


worries, there will be


alternatives for you!).

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